Recent Advances in Differential Geometry (Softcover)


The book narrates the saga of origin of geometry especially non-Euclidean and covers up to few generalizations of non-Euclidean geometry such as Riemannian, Finslerian, Minkowskian, Kawaguchi geometry, Geometry of complex spaces, etc.

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EAN: 978-1-925823-80-6


Author: Prof. Ram Bilas Misra
© 2020 | Publication: Jun 2020
ISBN: 978-1-925823-80-6 | 286 Pages

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About the Book and Audience

The book narrates the saga of origin of geometry especially non-Euclidean and covers up to few generalizations of non-Euclidean geometry such as Riemannian, Finslerian, Minkowskian, Kawaguchi geometry, Geometry of Complex spaces, etc. However, more attention is focused on the recent developments in vivid models of Finslerian structures. The book provides brief account of a large number of contributions made in the field by authors at large and it may introduce the subject to the learners and researchers in the field.

About the Author

Prof. Dr. Ram Bilas Misra, a former Vice-Chancellor of Avadh University, Faizabad (Ayodhya), India, has a long experience of teaching the subject since 1962 at different universities in India and abroad. He published 64 original research papers in Diff. Geom. of Finslerian Manifolds and Mathematical Physics in the leading research journals of international repute. As a regular reviewer, he published reviews of over 100 research papers in “Mathl. Reviews” and “Zentralblatt für Mathematik”. He has been frequently quoted both at home and abroad; notably, in the research monographs “Foundations of Finsler Geometry and Special Finsler Spaces” by Prof. Makoto Matsumoto of Kyoto Univ., Japan and “Finsler Geometry, Relativity and Gauge Theories” by Prof. G.S. Asanov of Moscow State Univ., Russia.

Prof. Misra is widely travelled and experienced academician. He has been a frequent visitor to the universities at Turin, Padua and ICTP, Trieste (all in Italy) and a visiting professor to the universities at Sopron (Hungary), Wroclaw (Poland) and Mahatma Gandhi Kashi Vidyapith, Varanasi (India).


  1. Non-Euclidean Geometry and its Generalizations, pp. 1-8
  2. Differential Geometry: Its Past and Future, pp. 9-12
  3. Metrices of Curved Surfaces and Spaces, pp. 13-24
  4. Basic Concepts of Finslerian Geometry, pp. 25-50
  5. Transformations in Finsler Space, pp. 51-76
  6. Theory of Lie Derivatives, pp. 77-104
  7. Symmetric and Projectively Symmetric Finsler Spaces, pp. 105-118
  8. Recurrent Finsler Spaces, pp. 119-146
  9. Projective Motions in Recurrent Finsler Spaces, pp. 147-158
  10. Groups of Transformations in Finslerian Spaces, pp. 159-166
  11. On Projectively Flat Finslerian Spaces, pp. 167-186
  12. On Finsler Spaces with Concircular Transformations, pp. 187-198
  13. On Finsler Spaces with Concircular Transformations II, pp. 199-208
  14. An Axiomatic Approach to Tensors, pp. 209-218
  15. Physical Field Theories, pp. 219-224

Numerous Figures and Illustrations


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