Central West Publishing aims to provide smooth publication experience to the editors and authors. Following is the simple publication model used by Central West Publishing for this purpose.
- The author or editor of the book submits the book proposal to Central West Publishing.
- The proposal is reviewed in-house. Occasionally, external reviews may also be carried out by the publisher.
- In the likelihood of proposal acceptance, the book author/editor is provided a go ahead for the manuscript preparation.
- As as soon as the final manuscript is obtained from the book author/editor, it is reviewed for the technical content.
- Subsequently, the manuscript is formatted in the book style and the proofs are sent to the book author. In the case of edited book, the proofs are sent to book editor as well as chapter authors for final review.
- Once the proofs are finalized, the digital version of the book is published online. The hardcover/softcover editions of the book is developed in the meantime.