Technology Management in Business (Softcover)


Effective management of technology is essential for both product and service organisations. This book has the purpose of developing understanding of technology management in business with emphasis on strategic decisions involved in it, along with describing the important techniques used in the management of technology.

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EAN: 978-1-925823-02-8


Authors: Dr. Avinash Pawar, Dr. Nitin Zaware and Dr. Kuldip Charak
© 2018 | Publication: Aug 2018
ISBN: 978-1-925823-02-8 | 174 Pages

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About the Book and Audience

Technology is considered to be a determining factor which shapes the direction in society, business and nation. Today, technology has become an integral and essential part of businesses and organizations for developing efficiency, productivity and competitive advantage. Managing technology is a method of operation that leverages human resources, technology and other business assets by optimizing the relationships between the technology functions of the business enterprise.

The speed of development of new technology and processes necessitates a structured approach for managing technology in businesses. In technology management, strategic decisions related to technology are made taking integrated organization wide approach to meet business objectives. It also considers using technology in all processes to design a product or service, to manufacture a product or develop service, and make it available so as to increase profits, satisfy customers, increase business and stay competitive.

This book puts the light on Concepts of Technology Management, Strategy of Technology Management, Issues in Technology Management, Technology Forecasting, Assessment, Transfer, Diffusion and Absorption.

The continued viability of an organization requires the effective integration of technology for managing resources, activities and processes. Managing these components requires an understanding of the fundamental concepts and principles related to technology management in business. The book Technology Management in Business presents new ways to optimize and integrate technology in business processes to ensure growth and development.

About the Authors

Dr. Avinash Pawar is a multifaceted management teacher, trainer and researcher with academic experience across multiple disciplines of management. He has completed PhD (Management), MBA (IT), MBA (HRM), MBA (Operations), MBA (Marketing) and BE (Computer) from Savitribai Phule Pune University. He has a wide range of scholarly interests with an interdisciplinary approach towards management teaching-learning. He is also academically associated with some of the reputed management institutes and has published many research papers in international and national conferences and journals. He was awarded with Best Teacher Award, Outstanding Management Teacher Award and Global Management Teacher Award by prestigious educational organizations.

Dr. Nitin Zaware is a distinguished professor of management and has vast teaching and research experience in management. He has contributed more than 70 research papers on various management topics in re- search journals, national and international conferences. He has also been a member of prestigious professional bodies like Indian Society for Technical Education, National Institute of Personnel Management, Strategic Management Forum, All India Commerce Association and Association of Indian College Principals. He is also a member of the Board of Studies and a PhD research guide at Savitribai Phule Pune University.

Dr. Kuldip Charak is an eminent professor of OB and HRM. He has immense experience in finance, administration, HR, training and development, besides highest qualification in the field of education. He worked in top management and has always strived to produce qualitative product and services in public and private organizations. He has obtained PhD from University of Pune and has unique expertise in developing advanced learning methodologies for management students. He is the member of the Board of Studies and a PhD research guide at Savitribai Phule Pune University. He has published many research papers and articles in leading journals and conferences.


  1. Overview of Technology Management (pp. 1-14)
  2. Competitive Advantages through Technologies (pp. 15-50)
  3. Strategy of Technology Development (pp. 51-62)
  4. Technology Forecasting (pp. 63-76)
  5. Technology Assessment (pp. 77-94)
  6. Technology Diffusion and Absorption (pp. 95-108)
  7. Technology Transfer Management (pp. 109-120)
  8. Technology and Innovation Management (pp. 121-138)
  9. Issues in Technology Management (pp. 139-148)
  10. List of Important Words, Terms and Phrases (pp. 153-156)

19 Figures and Illustrations


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