Management Information Systems: Concepts and Implications (Softcover)


The book has the purpose of developing understanding of management information systems with emphasis on concepts and implications.

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EAN: 978-1-925823-83-7


Authors: Dr. Sarika Zaware, Dr. Nitin Zaware and Dr. Avinash Pawar
© 2020 | Publication: Aug 2020
ISBN: 978-1-925823-83-7 | 180 Pages

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About the Book and Audience

Management Information Systems (MIS) continues to base itself on the technological, business and managerial perspective by following a modular structure which reflects the major areas of the framework including Management Information, Computer Networks, Decision Making, Knowledge Management, and Business Process Management. It helps in strategic planning, management control, operational control and transaction processing. It helps in the transaction processing. It answers the queries on the data pertaining to the transaction, the status of a particular record and reference on a variety of documents and reports.

The book defines technology for information systems and then explains how companies use the management information systems to improve performance. This book will help the readers to learn the management of information technologies to revitalize business processes, improve business decision making, and gain competitive advantage. The book structure has also been designed viewing MIS from a generalist, practicing manager’s and engineer’s perspective. It must be mentioned that while preparing the book, we have drawn on constituents from a variety of books, reports, journals, papers and articles. We acknowledge the profound intellectual debt to all those authors and contributors. Their ideas have shaped our thinking on the subject over the years.

The continued viability of an organization requires the effective integration of technology for managing resources, activities and processes. Managing these components requires an understanding of the fundamental concepts and principles related to management information systems in business. This book ‘Management Information Systems: Concepts and Implications’ presents new ways to optimize and integrate in information systems and ensure company growth and development.

About the Authors

Prof. (Dr.) Sarika Zaware has more than 18 years of teaching experience exclusively in the subjects of Computer Engineering at various Engineering Colleges affiliated to Savitribai Phule Pune University. Presently, she is working as Associate Professor and Head of Computer Engineering Department at All India Shri Shivaji Memorial Society’s Institute of Information Technology, Pune. She has contributed numerous research papers on various topics in nationally and internationally recognized research journals and conferences.

Prof. (Dr.) Nitin Zaware is a distinguished Professor of Marketing and General Management and an acknowledged teacher. He has more than 22 years of teaching experience exclusively in Management Institutes affiliated to Savitribai Phule Pune University. He has authored ten books on varied subjects of Management field. Presently he is working as a Professor and Director at Pune University affiliated Rajeev Business School, Pune. He has been a member of several prestigious professional bodies in the field of Commerce and Management. He is a member of the Board of Studies of Savitribai Phule Pune University at Commerce and Management Faculty. He is Ph.D. Research Guide in Savitribai Phule Pune University for Marketing Management and Organisational Management Subjects.

Prof. (Dr.) Avinash Pawar is a faculty of Technology Management, IT Management and Information Systems. He is a multifaceted academician and researcher with wide academic and research experience across multiple disciplines of management and technology. He is a lifelong learner, enthusiastic educator with an interdisciplinary approach towards teaching and research. He has published numerous research papers in international conferences and journals. He serves on the editorial and reviewer board of esteemed academic journals.


  1. Introduction to Management Information System
  2. MIS and Information Technology
  3. Nature of Management Information
  4. Importance of Software and Hardware in MIS
  5. Communication and Computer Networks in MIS
  6. Support Models and Knowledge Management
  7. Business Process and Design Development Processes
  8. Management and Decision Making
  9. Decision Support Systems
  10. Information System and Quality
  11. Security and Ethical Issues
  12. Systems and Applications of MIS
  13. Case Studies in MIS

List of Abbreviations

List of Keywords, Terms and Phrases

Numerous Figures and Illustrations


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