General Practical Chemistry (Softcover)


This book presents the general principles of practical chemistry for the students of B.Sc. and premedical courses. The topics included in this textbook will help the students to understand the principles and experimental procedures in inorganic chemistry, organic chemistry and analytical chemistry.

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EAN: 978-1-925823-78-3


Authors: M. M. El-ajaily, A. A. Maihub and R. K. Mohapatra
© 2020 | Publication: Mar 2020
ISBN: 978-1-925823-78-3 | 210 Pages

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About the Book and Audience

This book presents the general principles of practical chemistry for the students of B.Sc. and premedical courses. The topics included in this textbook will help the students to understand the principles and experimental procedures in inorganic chemistry, organic chemistry and analytical chemistry. This book contains basic laboratory techniques, qualitative inorganic analysis, qualitative organic analysis, synthesis of some organic compounds, quantitative (volumetric and gravimetric) analysis of chemical compounds and synthesis of some coordination compounds.

About the Authors

Marei Miloud El-ajaily is a professor of inorganic chemistry at University of Benghazi, Libya. He has published more than 100 research papers in the area of inorganic chemistry. Prof. El- Ajaily has also published more than 10 books as an author with various international publishers. He also acts as an editor and reviewer for many international journals. He has supervised 23 M.Sc. and one Ph.D students. Moreover, he is actively involved in teaching for last 3 decades.

Abdussalam Ali Maihub is a professor of inorganic chemistry at University of Tripoli, Libya. He has published more than 80 research papers in the area of inorganic chemistry. Prof. Maihub has also published more than 10 books as an author with various international publishers. In addition, he is a former dean of the pharmacology faculty. He has also been involved in teaching activities for last 3 decades.

Ranjan Kumar Mohapatra obtained his Ph.D. in 2011. He has published 40 research papers in international journals of repute in the area of coordination chemistry. He acts as an editor and reviewer for many international publishers such as RSC, Springer, Bentham and Oxford University Press. Dr. Mohapatra has published 7 books as an author along with an Indian patent. With consistently brilliant academic records, the author has a rich teching experience over the years.


I. General Introduction

II. Qualitative Inorganic Chemical Analysis

III. Qualitative Organic Chemical Analysis

IV. Quantitative Analysis of Chemical Compounds

V. Synthesis and Analysis of Some Coordination Compounds


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