Critical Perspectives in American and African Literature (Softcover)


The book discusses the fundamental problem of how to combine the degree of individual initiative, which is necessary for progress, with the degree of social cohesion, which is necessary for survival.

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EAN: 978-1-925823-20-2


Author: Hyacinth Pink
© 2019 | Publication: Mar 2019
ISBN: 978-1-925823-20-2 | 220 Pages

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About the Book and Audience

The book discusses the fundamental problem of how to combine the degree of individual initiative, which is necessary for progress, with the degree of social cohesion, which is necessary for survival. A community needs, if it is to prosper, a certain number of individuals who do not wholly conform to the general type. Practically all progress, artistic, moral and intellectual, has depended on such individuals who have been a decisive factor in the transition from barbarism to civilization. The book concludes that the need of the day is a socio-cultural grafting of the two best elements of the individual and the society. The book is a valuable resource for both personal and academic research. It provides many clear images of Rand’s and Achebe’s theories. It applies to sundry audiences like philosophers (who may be interested in Rand’s theory of objectivism and Achebe’s view of the world), sociologists (who are interested in contemporary life and culture) and researchers of Rand and Achebe.

About the Author

Hyacinth Pink, a professor by day and a writer by night, presently heads the Department of English at the Kumaraguru College of Technology, Coimbatore, India. Hyacinth Pink carried out her research at the M.Phil. and doctoral level at Bharathidasan University, specializing in comparative literature. One of the global experts in English language and literature, she is multi-skilled and has more than three decades of teaching-learning experience in journalism and mass communication, ELT, women’s studies, creative writing, etc. She is a poet with more than a hundred published poems to her credit. She is the author of 8 technical creative language books and a book on ‘literary criticism’. Dr. Pink was awarded the prestigious Dr. Radhakrishnan Gold Medal on Teacher’s Day in 2016, for her contribution to research and innovation.


  1. Introduction (pp. 1-28)
  2. The Emergence of the Autonomous Individual (pp. 29-66)
  3. The Producer and the Parasite (pp. 67-108)
  4. Towards Utopia (pp. 109-144)
  5. ‘Novelist-Philosopher’ and ‘Philosopher-Priest’ (pp. 145-176)
  6. Conclusion (pp. 177-196)


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