Author: Dr. Zhongrui (Jerry) Li
© 2020 | Publication: Nov 2020
ISBN: 978-1-925823-88-2 | 400 Pages
About the Book and Audience
This book provides a comprehensive, theoretical, practical, and thorough guide to current X-ray absorption fine structure (XAFS) spectroscopy and modern applications. It contains the experimental and theoretical aspects of XAFS in 14 chapters based on recent developments in the XAFS approach to science and technology, describing the basic principles and theories, calculation methods, computer programs, advanced methodologies and techniques, experiments, data analysis and interpretation and applications. Among the broad XAFS subjects of synchrotron radiation applications, the book specifically covers EXAFS, XANES and NEXAFS, AXAFS, DAFS, XMCD, MEXAFS, XMLD, and X-ray natural dichroism (XNCD and XNLD).
This book may serve as a reference book for researchers and technicians taking up synchrotron radiation application research and postgraduates majoring in the X-ray absorption spectroscopy field. It will provide the beginners with all the necessary information in the field of XAFS. Also, experienced users active in particular subfields of XAFS spectroscopies will learn in this book about the enormous potential of XAFS for other applications in physics, chemistry, biology, materials science and engineering, geo- and environmental science, etc.
About the Author
Zhongrui (Jerry) Li, received Ph.D. in chemical physics from the University of Science and Technology of China in 2000. His research is in the area of advanced spectroscopy and material science with main focus on synchrotron radiation- based X-ray absorption fine structure spectroscopy and carbon nanotubes. He has been working on XAFS for more than 25 years and has published more than 120 articles in these fields with h-index 40 and over 6500 citations.
- Historical Perspective on X-ray Absorption Fine Structure 1
- Multiple-Scattering Theory of EXAFS 17
- Theory of X-ray Absorption Near Edge Structure 43
- Synchrotron X-ray Sources 81
- XAS Experimental Setups and Measurement Modes 113
- Time-Resolved and Space-Resolved XAFS 133
- Quantitative EXAFS Analysis 153
- NEXAFS and XANES Analysis 199
- Atomic X-ray Absorption Fine Structure 219
- Diffraction Anomalous Fine Structure 241
- X-ray Magnetic Circular Dichroism 273
- Magnetic Extended X-ray Absorption Fine Structure 311
- X-ray Magnetic Linear Dichroism 331
- X-ray Natural Dichroism (XNCD and XNLD) 355
Numerous Figures and Illustrations
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